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Why Network??????

(Originally posted: 2/22/10)

At the beginning of our weekly WBB meetings one of us talks briefly about the purpose of WBB and the network that it provides. Usually it starts with why the speaker gets up at 5ish am to meet with all of us at 7am and how very worthwhile it is. So what are the benefits of WBB and well, networking in general?

One reason is even if you are the person who knows everyone, do you really know “everyone?” No. But as you meet and form connections with more people through networking your own network will grow exponentially. This is because each person you meet and form an alliance with has an average of 250 people that they know.

Now for these people to refer or introduce you to “their people” they have to trust you and that is where WBB comes in perfectly. We meet every week and support each other. We really get to know each other through the weekly meetings, coffee/tea meetings, special events that we plan though out the year and also through the leadership roles that we fill within WBB.

Is it possible to make these types of connections without WBB? Of course, but WBB provides a weekly time that all the members have committed to sharing together their desire and energy to grow each others’ business. Undertaking that without the support of the group tires me just thinking about it. Anyway, come check us out. We would love to network with you!

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