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Change – part 2

(Originally posted: 1/24/11)

So we all agree that to fully embrace changes that we want to make in our lives, that some part of our very lives, minute to minute, day to day are going to have to be different. That can be exhausting and exhilarating at the same time. The first thing that I think we need to do is to have 100% commitment, not 99%, but a full 100%. This difference that we want to make in our lives is not optional, negotiable and the last time I checked this is not a dress rehearsal. We don’t want to come around to 2012 and put this desired outcome on our resolution list again. We want to embrace the change completely here and now because it’s the only certain that we have. It might sound melodramatic but tomorrow might never come so let’s focus on what’s really important to us. If you put goals on your resolutions list or your dream board that are to impress other people or goals that you could never really give 100% of your commitment to then remove them now and agree that you won’t add them again unless your circumstances have changed and you could commit 100% to them. This is an agreement between you and you so let go of the fear, roll up your sleeves and get on track to achieve those goals. If you’re pondering now that you might have to go back and purge some of the items on your list and maybe even make a new list, guess what??? Do it! January 1st is the start of a new calendar year but you can decide on any given day to embrace the change that you want to see in your life. You can only start from where you are and go forward with good intentions.

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