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A New Year

(Originally posted: 1/4/10)

One of my resolutions for this year, is to spend more time networking. Where do resolutions come from? Are they well thought out or spur of the moment to fulfill the need for a resolution? For many of my adult years, I’ve struggled with the New Year’s Celebration with much of the focus on resolutions and such. I wouldn’t really think about it much and then on New Year’s Eve or worse, New Year’s Day someone would give me pen and paper to record my resolutions. I was just not prepared. So I’ve been trying a different strategy. Starting in the fall, I begin thinking about my year. What worked, what bombed, what did I love, like, hate, etc, etc. What excites me? I accumulate all of those ideas, answers, dreams and then when the New Year comes I am ready to begin to implement my new ideas and let go of habits and beliefs that no longer serve me. This year I am also completing a dream or vision board at this time. While boarding is not new to me, it is the first time I am preparing one at the start of a new year focusing on change with the support of the collective energy of most of our world. So, Happy New Year to You!

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