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(Originally posted: 1/18/11)

Change is one of the most difficult factors that we face as human beings. It might be our biggest fear outside of death.  And as is death, change is unavoidable. Even when there appears to be zero change and we are stuck, we are changing. The caveat is that we are changing to the same old thing time and time again. Our bodies constantly rebuild every single cell, in fact, in seven years the entire body is refreshed. Many factors go into how changes occur around us as well as in us. Our thoughts, feelings and emotions play a huge role. If we come from a place of balance and flexibility we can withstand and perhaps embrace change easier than if we are rigid in our body and thinking. Yoga, meditation, tai chi have all been thought to help us become more flexible and balanced. So as we come into the New Year with our resolutions, goals and dreams we know that to incorporate some of these into our life, we must embrace the change.

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