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It’s Planting Season!

(Originally posted: 5/1/10)

If you are a gardener, it is time to plant. You can use gardening as a metaphor for your life. Now is the time to plant the seeds and cultivate the relationships with the people in your networks. And please don’t turn your nose up to the term “networks”, it’s really just a way to classify our relationships. We have many networks and most are not business or strictly business related. Church, school, sports leagues, quilting circles and book clubs are all networks.

Some of the most successful people that I have known in my life are very conscious of their networks although many would never call it that. We’ve all known the women who basically run the church, temple or ashram. They make sure to spend time and energy to foster the connections that they make. Most know everyone and are known by everyone. When someone new comes along they are the welcoming force of nature that invites the entire community to introduce and open their arms to the newcomer.

We can certainly learn much from their example. If we participate in our networks to truly grow more intimate with those around us and become part of their life then we will in turn benefit ourselves. Look not for personal gain but for communal growth. And always remember be true to your spirit and heart. So get out there and plant some seeds of connection!

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